Hope gets stitched across this dark night
In luminous
Numinous threads of gold
And reappearing
Into and back out again from loss
To mend the fabric
Of a people torn
To heal the lacerations
Skipping across the body of humanity
Diving through the surface of pain
To emerge like a needle
Breaching the black velvet mystery
Again and again
With diaphanous silk
Dashed and golden pathways
Embroidering the way back home
Back to wholeness
Back to who we are meant to be
From this ancient fabric
I now make the garments of my life
And the threads become a network
Seams of light
On robes of purpose
Each glowing hopeful strand
Into the folds of my arms
Which are open
Safe and vulnerable
Outstretched once again
In welcome
"Abstruse: Grasping at Golden Filaments" 2015, acrylics, saguaro seeds, and gold powder on a discarded canvas.