Santos y Milagros: A Song for the Sacrament of Living
What are these charms by my door,
this crystal hung in such a random place,
this blue and white disc like an eye,
this black rock gleaming in its darkness,
and the old Greek icon in chipped gold leaf,
the menagerie of silver santos and milagros
blessing each coming in and going out?
These are talismans
and who knows if they work;
But what is superstition
than a bet
hedging against loss,
and tradition
but a way to honor our fathers and mothers
who gave us what we have today?
At the very least
these are my everyday magic
reminding me
that home is a precious place
a space to protect as precious
from the dark forces
of stress
and clutter
and an unintentional life
without appreciating the miracles
of running water
and constant shelter
and light that appears
without even a word
The saint of a kitchen
that makes hot tea
and burned sugar
and steaming platefuls of communion
so that all who are hungry
might take and eat
The bright baptismal
of my shower
and the toilet that takes away all my filth
and the sink
where my hands
are made clean anew
so may times each day
The chapel of my porch
where I read and pray
where I
like so many
observe all the handiwork of God
spilling from pots
and marching like red jewels across the steps
and I am astonished
for the beauty of the earth
and the glory of the skies
And the soft holy of holies
of my bed
where my body
rests and heals each night
and where I am rapt
in the glory of passion
with my beloved
and the prophecy of dreams
This is home
My home
And its banner over me is love
My Home, the Historic Carr/Rhoads Church House, holiday tea ceremony, December 2015.
There are prismatic crystals placed throughout the property to create rainbows inside and out to demarcate the passages of times and seasons, and everywhere you look there are subconscious cues to relax, heal, engage the senses.